Short, sweet & powerful. Much needed. Messages that came through for this week. We talk about the cycles of death & rebirth, trusting that things are all coming together (hang in there!!), and reflect on the year & set the tone for 2024 with some exercises to consciously create your reality.


What is up Chicky bears, and welcome to cosmic conversations. I am your host, Briana mystic if you're new here, and this is a really safe space to talk about all of the things cosmic, and for you to see just how even being a human is cosmic, and how all of your past experiences are really just aligning you to your highest timeline, everything you've been through up until now is just really aligning you to who you're meant to be and where you're meant to shine. And how cool is this, that every single thing you've been through, up until this point, has led you here to this moment? Right now? You and I together? Isn't that cool? So today's message is a channeled message for the 1212 portal, really, any day can be a portal day. It's just extra potent when you have a lot of the collective energy focused on something on a specific day. That's why it's incredible on certain days for different things. The energy, the frequency of this portal will be encoded in this message regardless. So if you're listening to this on 1213, you can have your own portal on 1213. And it will be still fantastic and lovely and whatever, right? So don't think that you have to listen to this only on that one day, or else it's not a good message for you. So I did record this yesterday, while I was in a very different state of consciousness, if you will, I was in like a channeling state, but the microphone wasn't recording properly. This is what happens when you are new at podcasting. And somehow issues arise. So where are we recording, this message is still equally as potent. Some themes that have come through for this 1212 portal are around the heart. They're around trusting when you're trusting this time of contraction before expansion. Also, how life really is like a rose. And I'll explain all of that, as well as we're going to do a creative exercise where you get to journal, get out your pen and paper, and let's get into it for the year ahead, really, we're really going to reflect on 2023 and get ourselves geared up for 2024, you're not going to want to miss this. So let's get started talking about the heart. This was the first thing that came through, and it was really beautiful. So the heart really is the portal to your highest abundance. Your heart is going to lead you to your path of highest liberation of your highest joy. And really, you really need to know and really, really trust that your heart is your your highest compass. Your heart knows the way your heart is not questioning itself. Your heart really does have the answers. It's not screaming at you. It's not talking bad about you or anyone else for that matter. Your heart simply is our human body and our human mind, they're always doing their best. And sometimes our mind can play tricks on us. And sometimes our body holds on to these experiences, these old stories, or maybe these emotions that that don't belong to be active in your body. But because our bodies are wired to operate in fight or flight sometimes that's like our body's natural defense mechanism in the world. Right. In the days that we're living in right now. There are powers that be that are strategically calling for the fight or flight response in us so that we live in a state of disempowerment. And that's the idea, all right, but that's not who you are. Right? You're not going to just settle for anything. You're not just going to listen to anyone telling you anything. When you're in this fight or flight response, you can't even see that things possibly could be different, right? You're just here to protect yourself. Things are changing. And we know this you know this if you're listening to this, I am sure that you are paying Paying attention to your nervous system and how you respond to things. And you know how important it is to really be regulated, and keep continuing to work to regulate yourself as as much as humanly possible, because life just keeps getting better and better and better, the more that you regulate yourself. So there's a lot going on under the surface right now. And seeds have been planted, seeds have been planted. Okay? So just like Earth has seasons, every year, we have four seasons, right? We have winter, and it's cold outside, it looks barren. No flowers, no leaves, right? Seemingly no life though the life hibernates it seems cold and dark. But really, there's like a lot going on underneath the surface. Okay, because guess what happens, spring pops out, the flowers start to bloom, everything gets beautiful. You don't think that just where that comes from? Right. So now that the plants are watered, and their sun is coming out, the flowers are blooming, everyone, the birds are chirping. And it's just such a beautiful world, right? And then it gets summer, summertime, everything is vibrant. Everything's at his peak, highest expression, all the flowers all the life everyone's out to play. You know, literally kids are out of school just going on vacation having a good time, right, and then we transition into fall. And the colors change, and it gets cooler again, and we start to slow down to begin a new process of death for the new rebirth right of the next year. This is what's really happening at a macro scale. Right now, everything is always like cyclical. And right now, in a very macro level, we are going through a state of death, right? And it's chaos at a macro level right now. And that really is just the facts, there's really nobody getting around it right now. And that's okay, I'm not saying things that are happening in the world are okay, but sometimes it's okay not to be okay, both can exist, you can not be happy about things going on in the world. And also have a knowing that the old must vault in order to build a new world. All of the systems are crumbling right now. And that's just the cycle of life. Again, it doesn't mean that in the situation, acutely, it makes it okay. It's just perspective, if you've been feeling ruffled up, extra, and it's been maybe hard to reel it in and operate your every day. Just remember that I know it sucks sometimes. But the old does have to crumble in order to be reborn, things have to die. And I love the analogy of how fires work in a forest. So this is so cool. When a fire happens, right? This is very destructive. Okay, a fire happens in this forest. And it just so happened to came out of nowhere. But then when the fire happens, the pine cones drop, and the seeds are released into the ground, the seeds would not have been released into the ground had it not been for the fires. And so the seeds go into the ground. And then guess what happens? A new tree comes lots of new trees start to pop out from the ground. But you know that these trees would not have ever been able to come out of the ground if it wasn't for the fire that destroyed the forest. And so yeah, when the fire is burning, no one's happy about it. And it's, it's destructive. But without that we don't get the new life.

Another theme that is a little one is kind of little, but it could be showing up lots of different kinds of fires and issues or you know, challenges maybe there's things with family, the holidays always seemed to bring up family things. The message here is just allowing even this to be medicine for you. Because even when we've been doing the work, and we are doing the work, and we're living our lives, family stuff is always sensitive. Even if you have a good relationship with your family or parts of your family or even if you don't, or even if you don't have much blood family, if you will. earthside whatever is coming up for you is just more medicine. And I hope that you can look at it from that perspective. That way, even when things get messy even when things get uncovered. Trouble, you have that beacon of light. And you know that. Okay, I am experiencing this for a reason. And I'm just not going to think about what that reason is right now. But I'm just going to flow through this as best as possible. Even if I get upset, it's okay. Just keep breathing, and just keep breathing, and just put one foot in front of the other, and you're gonna come out on the other side, and it's going to be okay, and it's going to be beautiful. And then maybe reflect a little bit later about what you learned from that experience. Right? Giving each other grace is so important, right now, it's the holidays, it's a beautiful time for many. It's also a challenging time for many, you know, so wherever you're at just having compassion for yourself, having compassion for others, this is the time for that. Also, what I've been hearing is that it's really time for you to double down on your practices. So I know when things start to get crazy, even if we're like, kind of in this state of hibernation, there's still a lot going on. Right? There could be, and if there is, if a lot starts to feel like it's coming up, just make sure you hit that yoga class, just make sure you do that one little thing for you, that really anchors you into your being so that you are really unshakable as much as humanly possible, right? It's the time to relax, if that's what you want to do. It's the time to continue doing whatever it is that you're up to. And so it's really just the invitation, I guess, here, the invitation really, is for you to just be to deepen into your practices into what matters to you the most and trusting that the expansion is coming. Whether or not you can feel it right now. Trust that it's coming. Because there is always a state of contraction before a state of expansion, and I was talking about on the collective level before. So a lot of us, you likely are on the precipice of a new era, a new beginning, it is such a beautiful time for that. Although, you know, great timing for the new year, but things actually don't fully fully start to pop off until airy season, which is in March. So with that the season of contraction is real, and it will last as long as it's needed. It's really just different kinds of tests, different kinds of things. Mercury Retrograde is about to be here. And so it's just an invitation for you to stay with your practices. Trust that the expansion is coming, consistently taking your aligned actions, giving yourself the grace, like if you fall off the wagon for a minute, it's okay, can you How graceful can you be when you get yourself back on the wagon. That's what's important. Just trust. And it's all being orchestrated for your highest good right now, this contraction period, things can get challenging, but you will have a much higher capacity to hold the new abundance and the new light that's going to be flooding into your system very shortly. And so this is just a real reminder that you're human. And that things are not always going to be rainbows and sunshine and daisies, and that the challenging experiences are what makes you human. And actually what makes the rainbow sunshine daisies like feel like rainbows and sunshine and daisies. So even when things get tough, trust that you're building depth. And the more depth you have, the more potent you are, the more potent your soul is, the more you get to evolve, and it's all just happening for you. It really really really is. So next up, if you don't have a journal out, I suggest you grab a journal. So we're going to reflect on the past year. So actually, if you have if you want to get your journal out if you want to get some incense if you want to get your favorite crystal, maybe your favorite human being or animal or something comfortable a blanket, cup of cacao something to you know tingle your senses even we are going to reflect what were what were your biggest lessons. What were the lessons that you've learned this year. What were your biggest challenges, what challenged you the most? What are you most proud of, for achieving, or for overcoming this year? What were a few things that you learned this year that you didn't know last year at this time, maybe you underwent an experience that was amazing or challenging, or something in the middle, that shifted the way that you see yourself, you see the world, and maybe it affected how you show up in the world. So pause the podcast, and then when you're ready, press play. Next, we're going to go into our relationships. Who did you spend time with in 2023, that made you feel so alive and really brought out a really incredible side of you then write out if any people that maybe, maybe we need to spend a little less time with next year, not because it's wrong or bad just because maybe it's not that supportive right now. And that's okay, maybe they just need a little bit more limited access, maybe you just have different interest right now, maybe they're not bringing you up, maybe they're putting you down making you not feel great, right, maybe it's just time to pump the brakes a bit. For some people, then write down the people who you want to really make an effort to spend more time with, whether it's online, whether it's in real life, the people in our lives have such an extreme influence on our whole life, and our future. So it's so important to surround yourself with, with people that are really supportive for you. They don't all have to be clones of you. In fact, I actually don't recommend that, you know, you want people with different viewpoints and all of that. So that, you know, again, it builds depth, it builds some people. So you guys can challenge each other in a healthy way. You don't want just like an echo chamber of all the guys saying the exact same thing all the time. But you also don't want that one person in your corner to be someone that's dragging you down or not bringing the best out of you. That's that's hard, right. So don't feel bad. If there's people that you just need to take a break from. It doesn't mean that they're bad people doesn't mean that you don't need to be close to them ever again, it doesn't mean that you need to cut them out of your life, unless maybe it's a super toxic cycle, right? Maybe it's super draining. This is really just an invitation for you to maybe readjust priorities in terms of relationships, if you haven't done that recently. Because when you kind of are conscious about the people that you're around very, very often, your life will start to shift. Without you fighting against the current as much, it kind of things just start to take care of themselves. Now, I want you to write a letter to yourself in the past tense, saying thank you for everything that you accomplished and completed and experience in the year Oh 2020 For that have made you so happy and so lit up. And any big things I want you to write from your future self in a past tense, as specific as you can get. I'm so grateful that I went for it. I hosted four retreats. Last year, I hosted one in Joshua Tree one in Costa Rico wanting to loom and one in Morocco. My podcast now has a million listeners. And I'm so glad that I've kept up going and walking this path. Because everything that I said I was going to do, I've done and it's felt so so good. And I'm so grateful for just keep going and keep going.

Whatever is your life path is what you're going to do just feel into your heart space. Your heart knows the answers. Like I said in the very beginning. This will be super unique to you. It's just so fun to flex your imagination for your creative muscle. And really its manifestation it's for manifestation purposes and to it's going to be so fun when you look back next year. And you read that and you're going to see how much you predicted because you put it out there because you are already creating your reality. Every single waking moment and every single sleeping moment of every single day. Whether you know it or not. A lot of you probably are but if you're not, it's all good. But if you're not already actively engaging, and consciously choosing your world, it is about time you start because you Why the fuck not? Right? So they want to talk about this the concept of unconscious beliefs to because lots of us know about this, but maybe not everyone, and it's totally fine. So if you have an unconscious belief that you are not say worthy of something or that's not possible for you, it likely will not come to fruition because you are manifesting all the time. So let's say you, you say I love myself, but deep down, you're, you're saying I hate myself, it's gonna be really hard to actually attract, aligned things that are coming from a deep place of self love, because you don't really believe it deep down. And that's stuff that we can work on when we go into the subconscious mind. And we go into our beliefs. So let me know if you want to talk more about that if you want me to do a podcast on it, when we do bring somebody on, if you just want to chat with me, if you want to work with me, if that's up your alley, just putting that out there. And then this is the final thing. And it really ties everything together. We're already talking about, but it's about the concept of the rows and how life is like a rose. Okay, we're talking about one, I'm talking about one piece, okay, right here. And the rose is a very sacred flower. There are so many different colors, varieties, particular types, and that is life. There are so many different people, life experiences, challenges, triumphs, expressions of Source consciousness. And it's very beautiful. Every single one is so beautiful in its own way. What I mean by that is that life is so beautiful from being a child, and experiencing life with these fresh eyes, throughout adolescence, making your first friends, learning things, potentially playing a sport, or an instrument. And then as you go into adulthood, early adulthood, and you start to really form deep relationships, platonic, romantic, and exploring what that looks like what that feels like to really deeply get to connect to another, and then working doing some sort of thing to make this money that we use here on Earth, and then even co creating, maybe you have your own child, maybe you don't, and maybe you just travel the world, maybe you do both. So whatever that is for you, whatever your life experience is for you whatever shade and color that your rose looks like. It is beautiful. And it is so unique. It would not be a rose without the thorns. Every Rose has its thorns as law. So, the thorn is the trials, the thorn is the struggle. The thorn is the heartbreak, the thorn is a self doubt, the thorn is insert challenging obstacle, if you will, that comes your way. Inevitably, that you get to move through. And the more experiences that you move through, the more wisdom you will gain. Again, the more challenges you've gone through, the more stronger you become. Next time. when life throws you a little challenge. You say bring it on. Because guess what, you are stronger, you you are stronger and you are more resilient. Embrace the challenge. Embrace the thorn, truly honoring and loving the rose, the flower, you can be in a state of disarray of grieve of pain of challenge, and also hold the remembrance that all is beautiful. And it's okay to be really, really excited and alive and happy and grateful, as much as humanly possible, if not always. And it's okay to dip in between and play both sides sometimes. Because guess what, that's just building more experience. And then we'll have more information to move through the things that we go through in life and that's perfectly okay. But always coming back to that beautiful embodied rose because the road is all of it. Such a interesting episode today. I love you so much. Let me know what you thought of the episode if it brought up anything for you. If it resonated, how do you feel about it? And also if you want more messages like this, so you can find me on Instagram or my website Briana mystic. And I hope to talk to you soon. I love you so much and I will see you in the next episode. Bye Okay I love you bye


